Can I Leave My Crooked Teeth Alone?

When you’re dealing with crooked teeth, you could end up experiencing various functional and aesthetic issues. When your teeth are misaligned, it isn’t just how you look that’s affected, but also how you feel.

There are various health-related conditions you might find yourself dealing with when you have crooked teeth. Orthodontic treatments can help you straighten your teeth and restore your smile. But before you start looking into straight teeth solutions, let’s look at why you should fix your crooked teeth.

Why You May Want to Consider Correcting Crooked Teeth

You could find yourself dealing with various health issues when you have crooked teeth. You’re more likely to get periodontal disease, where your gums and teeth are affected. This is because when your teeth are crooked, cleaning between them becomes more difficult.

This leads to the buildup of plaque between the teeth. As a result, harmful bacteria can more easily multiply in your mouth. You could also have speech issues, as crooked teeth might prevent you from pronouncing words correctly.

People who have crooked teeth also deal with self-esteem issues. They aren’t able to smile openly and can end up feeling self-conscious while talking. A lot of people have crooked teeth because they have a misaligned jaw. This can be corrected with orthodontic treatments. If you have a misaligned jaw, your upper and lower teeth could protrude. This could result in them rubbing together. When this happens, chewing becomes challenging, and dental fractures or enamel erosion can also occur.

When you have crooked teeth, you could also experience TMJ disorder. This uncomfortable jaw issue affects the face, shoulders, and neck.

TMJ disorders affect people whose jaw and the hinge joint have experienced a lot of wear and tear.

Whether your teeth are rubbing together or your jaw muscles are under pressure for long periods of time, these can cause headaches.

Why Are Crooked Teeth So Common?

There are several factors that could cause people to get crooked teeth. Bad oral habits are one of them. Dental markers that cause crooked teeth often come from genetics. Sometimes, having a small mouth could also cause the teeth to be crowded.

If you have a misaligned jaw, then this could also lead to crooked teeth. This is because the teeth can’t stay in their normal position properly. What you eat is also essential. If you aren’t getting proper nutrition, then this can affect your oral health condition over time. Consuming excessive amounts of soft food over many years can affect your jaw muscle and size. This can, in turn, cause you to develop crooked teeth.

Finally, injury or trauma to the face can also cause people to develop crooked teeth. Orthodontic treatments can help people fix their crooked teeth. So what are the straight teeth solutions that are available to you?

Top Treatment Options for Crooked Teeth

If you have crooked teeth, various orthodontic treatments are available to you. The first of these is Invisalign.

Invisalign braces are incredibly convenient. They are comfortable to wear and easy to put on or remove. Invisalign braces are clear plastic trays that help shift your teeth slowly over time.

You can also consider getting traditional metal braces. These are made of brackets and can be slightly bulky. Some people experience discomfort when they use traditional metal braces. Traditional metal braces are the strongest of the straight teeth solutions available to you. If you have complex problems with biting or your teeth are overcrowded, traditional metal braces can help you.

The third option is ceramic braces. These are similar to traditional metal braces, but they have the same colour as your natural teeth, making them almost invisible. This is why ceramic braces are more popular than metal braces. Another option is retainers. You can get either removable or fixed retainers.


There are various straight teeth solutions available to fix crooked teeth. When you have crooked teeth, you may experience various oral health-related conditions. It can affect your self-esteem as well. With the help of straight teeth solutions like Invisalign, ceramic braces, retainers, and more, you can fix your crooked teeth easily. Contact Woodlawn Orthodontics today for more information!

Common Reasons Why Your Teeth Shift After Dental Procedures

James Roland has explained various reasons why teeth shift over time and what we can do to control this. In this article, Woodlawn Orthodontics decodes James Roland’s points, adding a few of their own. Read on to know more.  (Source: Healthline, Why Teeth Shift After Dental Procedures and Over Time, By James Roland, Medically reviewed by Rooz Khosravi, DMD, PhD, MSD, November 11, 2020, ).

Why do teeth shift even after orthodontic treatments?

James Roland explains that your teeth are in a constant state of movement, even if it’s not visible to the naked eye. This shift continues gradually throughout your life, even after you have undergone orthodontic treatments like wearing a retainer or braces for misaligned teeth.

Woodlawn Orthodontics elaborates, “Individuals with a fixed or lingual retainer may experience some degree of tooth movement. This is a retainer that is bonded to the teeth after orthodontic treatments. After braces, teeth may shift due to your gums and jawbone health. Suppose gum disease or any other health issues have resulted in bone loss. In that case, it becomes difficult for the teeth to remain firmly anchored in their position.”

Other reasons why teeth shift

According to James Roland, there are many other reasons for teeth shifting. These include misaligned teeth, tooth extraction, tooth loss, teeth grinding, gum disease, and jawbone growth. James Roland also mentions that tooth shifting is a side-effect noticed by people undergoing CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure therapy.

“Your teeth are subjected to various pressures and stresses throughout the day, even from simple activities like talking or pressing your tongue against your teeth to produce specific sounds. The muscles involved in facial expressions like smiling, sneezing, and coughing also add more pressure to your teeth,” adds Woodlawn Orthodontics.

“While these stressors may cause slight changes in tooth alignment, they could be significant enough to warrant braces in adulthood. In addition, other more substantial factors could contribute to tooth movement over time. Nevertheless, there are ways to manage teeth shifting with orthodontics for all ages,” Woodlawn Orthodontics reiterates.

How to control teeth shifting

James Roland advises that teeth shifting can be controlled by using a removable retainer after you stop wearing braces. There are treatments available in orthodontics for all ages. You could also adapt orthodontic solutions like fixed retainers if you have a higher tendency of teeth shifting. James Roland shares that maintaining good dental hygiene and addressing bad habits like teeth grinding can also help control teeth movement.

Woodlawn Orthodontics agrees, “Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and visiting the dentist regularly can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. This can prevent tooth loss and reduce the risk of teeth shifting. Avoiding bad habits and addressing dental issues is a big help. If you have misaligned teeth, crooked or crowded teeth, orthodontic solutions can help straighten them and prevent shifting.”


James Roland explains that throughout your life, your teeth may undergo imperceptible or significant movement as a result of experiencing orthodontic solutions. This movement may necessitate the attention of a dentist or orthodontist.

“There are solutions in orthodontics for all ages,” believes Woodlawn Orthodontics. “Consistently wearing a retainer after braces removal is one way to minimize shifting. Another important step is to maintain good dental hygiene. Regular visits to the dentist can help identify changes in your bite or smile, enabling earlier rather than later intervention,” concludes Woodlawn Orthodontics.

The 101 on Overbites

When the upper teeth extend over the lower set, it is called an overbite or, colloquially, ‘buck teeth.’ Overbite may or may not impair your jaw alignment. However, when it is severe enough, an overbite can cause a number of problems, including tooth decay or even speech impairment. This condition is corrected with traditional braces, ceramic braces, a retainer, or by even more aesthetic methods like Invisalign treatment.

The classifications of an overbite

Some overbites require orthodontic treatments, while others are minor enough to ignore. A severe overbite (called class 2 malocclusion) is when there is a significant gap of several millimetres between the two, even when your jaw is clenched. A slight overbite is when there is very little gap (class 1 malocclusion).

There is another classification, too – skeletal and dental overbite. When the jaw cannot accommodate all the teeth or is too big for your teeth, you may have a skeletal overbite. When jaw alignment is perfect, but the two sets of teeth are not aligned, you have a dental overbite.

Overbite vs. overjets

Often, people confuse overbite and overjet. In both cases, you have the upper teeth jutting over the lower. With an overbite, however, your upper teeth come in front of or over the lower. Overjet is when the upper set protrudes at an angle past the lower set.

Both may affect jaw alignment, and both may also require orthodontic treatments like traditional braces, ceramic braces, or Invisalign to correct if severe.

Causes, symptoms, and complications

Causes and symptoms

A skeletal overbite resulting from genetic factors can pave the way for a dental overbite or worsen it. There are other causative facts for overbites, too, starting with the shape of the jaw and the number of teeth in total. Too many teeth cause overcrowding; too few leave too much gap in between. Missing teeth also result in gaps.

Early childhood habits like thumb sucking or long-term bottle or pacifier use contribute to overbites. So do school-age habits like chewing nails or other hard objects like pencils or pens.

Those who are used to breathing through the mouth or unconsciously thrusting the tongue against the front/ top teeth also develop overbites.


When an overbite is not addressed with appropriate orthodontic treatments, it can lead to many complications. Common ones like enamel erosion, tooth decay, and gum infections are not the only outcomes. You can also develop headaches and jaw pain or difficulty speaking clearly. Apart from these, chewing difficulties and sleep apnea are lesser-known consequences of severe untreated overbites.

Correcting an overbite

To avert complications and enjoy a beautiful smile, the overbite must be treated correctly. Traditional braces are the age-old treatment for an overbite. They keep the teeth in place by applying the right pressure consistently. However, they are quite visible when you smile or talk. A better alternative is Ceramic braces. A less visible option, these have transparent material holding your teeth in place. These are less apparent to the eye. A retainer is used to keep the teeth in the proper position after the overbite has been corrected using braces.

Invisalign – The popular choice 

Invisalign treatment is growing by leaps and bounds in popularity. Invisalign is clear and invisible against your teeth. An experienced, licensed orthodontist can give you the most effective overbite treatment with Invisalign without compromising aesthetics.


An overbite may or may not lead to pain and discomfort. A severe overbite should be corrected even if you do not feel anything because of it. If you have chosen the popular Invisalign treatment for this, make sure you pick a licensed, qualified, and experienced orthodontist to get the most effective solutions. You may also go with braces or retainers. Are you interested in correcting your smile? Contact Woodlawn Orthodontics today!

Top Reasons You Are Experiencing Dental Crowding

Are you experiencing overcrowding of teeth? It is essential to address dental crowding immediately. It can affect not only the appearance of the teeth but also your overall oral health.

The 101 on overcrowded teeth


What is overcrowding

Overcrowding of teeth is a common orthodontic problem where there is insufficient space in the mouth to accommodate all of the teeth. This can cause the teeth to become crooked, misaligned, or overlap each other.

Types of overcrowding

There are three types of teeth overcrowding:

Dental crowding – when there is not enough space in the jaw to accommodate all of the teeth.

Dental protrusion – when the upper teeth protrude forward or stick out too far in front of the lower teeth.

Dental spacing – when there is too much space between the teeth.

Degrees of overcrowding

There are different degrees of teeth overcrowding, ranging from mild to severe. Mild overcrowding is when the teeth are slightly crooked or crowded, and there is only a small amount of overlap. Moderate overcrowding is when the teeth are more crowded, and severe overcrowding is when the teeth are twisted or rotated, and there is significant overlap.

Signs you are experiencing overcrowding

Protruding or overlapping of teeth, bite problems, and pain or discomfort in the jaws are a few signs that could be caused due to overcrowding of teeth.


Reasons you may be experiencing overcrowding

There are several reasons for teeth overcrowding. A few common causes are genetics, early loss of baby teeth, small jaw, or impacted teeth. Certain habits like thumb-sucking, tongue thrusting, or prolonged use of pacifiers can lead to overcrowding because they affect the growth and development of the teeth and jaw.


Overcrowding solutions

It’s essential to address teeth overcrowding as it can lead to various dental problems, including difficulty in cleaning teeth, an increased risk of gum disease, and a higher chance of developing cavities.


Let’s take a look at overcrowding solutions:


Invisalign is one of the most common and popular orthodontic treatments that can help fix teeth overcrowding. Invisalign uses clear, removable aligners that are custom-made to fit over the teeth and gradually move them into their proper position. It is convenient to use, helps create space, and aligns teeth.

Traditional braces

Traditional braces can be an effective treatment option for severe cases of tooth overcrowding, where more tooth movement is required. Treatment with traditional braces typically takes 18-24 months. Still, the duration of treatment can vary depending on the severity of the overcrowding.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces function in the same manner as traditional braces, but they are less noticeable, as the brackets and wires are either clear or tooth-coloured. This makes them a popular choice for adults or older teens who may be self-conscious about wearing braces. Ceramic braces are amongst the orthodontic treatments suggested for moderate cases of teeth overcrowding.


In some cases, teeth tend to shift back into their original positions after orthodontic treatment. Wearing retainers can help prevent this and keep the teeth in their new, corrected positions. Retainers can also be used to make minor adjustments to the position of the teeth. This can be helpful in cases of mild teeth overcrowding.



Here at Woodlawn Orthodontics, we specialize in orthodontic treatments for teeth overcrowding and much more. They offer customized solutions for Invisalign, traditional braces, ceramic braces, and retainers. Contact us today for your evaluation and treatment plan.