Top Ways To Manage Pain During Orthodontic Treatment

Have you got an orthodontic treatment done recently? Do you feel a sense of discomfort or pain after getting the orthodontic treatment? If yes, you’re not alone. After getting treatment for adjusting their misaligned teeth with dental braces, many individuals have the same feeling – a sense of discomfort. They have experienced inflammation or mild bleeding, or tooth sensitivity.

The exciting news is that several simple ways to manage pain or discomfort in such situations exist. This article lists some of the top ways to manage discomfort after orthodontic treatment and post-adjustment follow-up visits.


Tips to Reduce Pain After the Treatment


Cool It Down

Reduce The Pain By Using Ice Packs

Just like how applying a pack of ice can reduce the pain from an external injury, using an ice pack can also reduce the pain caused by braces. Ice packs help in combating discomfort to a great extent. All you need to do is hold an ice pack gently against the area or gently rub it outside the mouth. This will bring down inflammation and numb your mouth enough to give you some relief from the discomfort.

Reduce The Pain By Drinking Cold Water

Drinking a cup of cold water also does the trick. After your visit, take a cup of chilled water and drink the water sip-by-sip. While doing that, remember to gush the water through the sore areas to get the desired relief.

Reduce The Discomfort By Having Cold Food

Just like applying ice packs can reduce the pain, having cold foods like ice creams and popsicles can also ease the pain. They can numb the mouth enough to reduce inflammation. You can also suck an ice cube but don’t chew or crunch on the ice cubes.


Keep Your Mouth Clean

Maintain Dental Hygiene

Maintaining good dental hygiene is very important after the misaligned teeth procedure (orthodontic treatment). As your teeth are going through some significant changes, this also indicates a difference in your oral hygiene routine. It is essential to maintain your oral care.

Not doing so can lead to tooth decay and inflammation which can cause severe discomfort. So, clean the braces and keep your teeth clean after each meal. See that you brush or floss after eating to eliminate the food particles. Be sure to carry a dental travel kit when you are out and about. If you are finding oral hygiene difficult with your new orthodontic appliance, be sure to discuss this with your orthodontist, they will offer suggestions to make this process much more manageable.

Try Warm Salt Water Rinse

Salt water rinse can also do the trick, just like sipping cold water. Gargling with warm salt water is generally recommended for sore throats as it helps soothe inflammation and combats bacteria. Similarly, it can also help relieve the pain after orthodontic treatment. If you feel discomfort after wearing your braces, gargle with warm salt water that helps in healing sores or cuts caused by the braces.


Try these orthodontic recommendations!

Try Soft Foods

The teeth are quite sensitive after the orthodontic treatment, so avoid munching on solid foods. The pressure to bite down for the next 24 hours should be avoided to minimize discomfort. Instead, try having soft foods like soups, mashed potatoes, and yogurt that are easy to consume. After your orthodontic treatment is completed, your orthodontist will provide you with a care sheet to take home. The information provided will share aftercare and maintenance tips.

Orthodontic Wax

Braces’ metal wires and brackets can cause irritation on the gums and the inner cheeks. To reduce the irritation, the orthodontic doctor provides an orthodontic wax. Apply the wax to the brackets and areas where you feel discomfort to alleviate the pain.

Over-The-Counter Pain Medication

If the above methods don’t work, try over-the-counter pain relief medication. Your orthodontist will most likely recommend and suggest this. Remember to consult your doctor before taking over-the-counter pain relief or anti-inflammatory medications.


Orthodontic treatment like braces is one of the best ways to correct misaligned teeth. However, you may experience short-term, mild discomfort or pain after the treatment. You can easily manage discomfort or pain with simple methods like ice packs, warm salt water gargling, and over-the-counter pain medication. Want to learn more? Contact Woodlawn Orthodontics today for more information!

Weighing Your Options for Underbite Corrections

Woodlawn Orthodontics weighs in on various solutions for underbite corrections. (Source: WebMD, Braces, by WebMD Editorial Contributors, Medically Reviewed by Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH, August 17, 2020, ).


Although an underbite may seem like a cosmetic issue, it can cause a number of problems, from speech difficulties, problems chewing food, and jaw pain to tooth decay, wearing away of the tooth enamel, and headaches. The exciting news is that there are many underbite solutions to restore the functionality of your jaw and make eating, speaking, and breathing easy.

An orthodontist is a professional who fixes underbites

Treating an underbite is a job for an orthodontist, a dentist who has undergone specialized training to diagnose, treat, and prevent jaw and teeth misalignment. An orthodontist completes dental school and goes on to obtain an orthodontics specialty education. The dental conditions an orthodontist is qualified to treat include jaw misalignment, overbites, underbites, crowded teeth, crooked teeth, and teeth that are too far apart.

“Orthodontic solutions help improve your smile and provide you with a better quality of life,” says Woodlawn Orthodontics. “An orthodontist will determine the best way to correct an underbite. For milder cases, underbite solutions consist of braces and clear aligners, while severe cases may require surgery.” A mild underbite is undetectable from the outside. The protrusion is easily evident when the teeth extend far forwards. This is seen in a severe underbite, which orthodontic treatments can fix.

Orthodontic solutions for an underbite

Braces are by far the most common way to treat misaligned teeth in children, according to WebMD editorial contributors. They have evolved in look and material, meaning you have choices beyond the traditional braces, underbite solutions consisting of metal brackets (small squares) placed on your teeth using an adhesive and connected by wire. Ceramic braces are another option. They use tooth-colored brackets, which make them subtler and less noticeable than their metal counterparts. Another type, lingual braces, are placed behind the teeth rather than the front. Finally, clear aligners or invisible braces consist of thin, transparent dental trays that fit your teeth and are removable. The discreet design of clear aligners and the ability to remove them during meals and brushing makes them a popular alternative to conventional orthodontic solutions.

“Based on your underbite, your orthodontist will recommend a dental appliance,” says Woodlawn Orthodontics. “You can have a conversation about the various underbite solutions available for your condition. Ultimately, the ideal method for your dental condition – whether traditional braces or aligners – will deliver the desired results.”

Braces work over time

Braces put constant pressure on the teeth and jaws to gradually move their position. The brackets, which can be plastic, stainless steel, or ceramic, are affixed to your teeth using a bonding agent or orthodontic bands. Spacers create sufficient space between teeth to make attaching the bands easier without applying too much pressure on the teeth. The arch wire in traditional braces acts as a track and guides the teeth in place. Ties are fine wires that fasten the arch wire to the brackets. A small metal part called the buccal tube is secured to the band of the last tooth. The rubber bands or elastics connect to the brackets. You can order them in any color you want. You’ll need to attach them as instructed by your orthodontist. You may additionally need to wear headgear to correct a misaligned bite. But you’ll have it on only while sleeping or at home.

Braces may hurt just a bit when they’re applied to your teeth or when they’re adjusted. “Never leave your adjustment until you’re sure your braces are comfortable,” advises Woodlawn Orthodontics. “Let your orthodontist know how your braces feel to prevent having to come in again for an adjustment.”


Make sure to follow your doctor’s care instructions. This includes avoiding foods like hard candies, gummies, popcorn, and corn on the cob. Treatment, on average, takes 1-3 years. Once your braces are off, you’ll love your new appearance. Are you considering orthodontic treatment? Contact Woodlawn Orthodontics for more information!

What is the Purpose of a Lip and Cheek Bumper?

Lip and cheek bumpers are custom orthodontic devices that are used during orthodontic treatment for misaligned teeth. They are most commonly used in cases where teeth protrude or where there is a significant gap between the upper and lower teeth.

This article covers the key aspects of lip and cheek bumpers, including their purpose, function, necessary use cases, and management guidelines.

The 101 on lip and cheek bumpers

Lip and cheek bumpers are used to create space in the mouth, especially in cases where teeth are overcrowded. They also help to maintain space after teeth extraction, prevent the upper teeth from biting behind the lower teeth, and correct bite problems.

The orthodontist first takes impressions of the patient’s teeth and mouth, which are used to create a custom-fit appliance. The appliance is then cemented onto the patient’s molars in the back of the mouth.

Children and teenagers most commonly need lip and cheek bumpers. However, adults may also need them in some cases. The orthodontist determines if they are necessary based on the patient’s specific dental needs.

How do lip and cheek bumpers work?

Lip and cheek bumpers guide the teeth into their proper positions. They create space between the patient’s lips and cheeks and the teeth, which allows for the teeth to move without obstruction. This space can also prevent the teeth from rotating or moving inward, helping to create a more even bite.

Lip and cheek bumpers can be used together with braces to align teeth by creating space between the patient’s lips and cheeks and the teeth. Additionally, they can be used with headgear, which helps to pull the teeth and jaw into alignment.

Wearing a lip and cheek bumper will feel different in the mouth and may cause discomfort or soreness, increased saliva production, and initial difficulty speaking or pronouncing certain words. These are normal changes as the mouth adjusts to the appliance, and the discomfort subsides over time.

How to manage and maintain lip and cheek bumpers?

Dental hygiene

Brush and floss twice a day to prevent decay and gum disease. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and incorporate fluoride toothpaste to clean the teeth and braces gently. Interdental brushes or water flossers can help clean hard-to-reach areas.

Please refrain from using toothpicks or other sharp objects near the bumpers, as they can cause damage or dislodgment to the bumpers.

Avoid these food items

Hard, crunchy, sticky, or chewy foods can damage the appliance or cause it to come loose. This food includes hard candy, popcorn, nuts, gum, caramel, taffy, and anything that requires excessive chewing or biting.

Eat soft foods like mashed potatoes, cooked vegetables, soup, yogurt, and pudding. Some other great options include scrambled eggs, soft fruits like bananas or berries, and well-cooked pasta or rice.

How to manage discomfort?

Use over-the-counter pain medication, like ibuprofen, to reduce inflammation and soreness. With any addition of medication, always consult your doctor and orthodontist. Another great way to manage discomfort is by applying orthodontic wax to cover any sharp or irritating parts of the bumper. To further address safety and comfort, we recommend wearing a mouthguard when playing sports to protect the bumpers and teeth from damage.

It is highly recommended not to play with the bumpers using the tongue or fingers, as this can also cause them to become dislodged.

If the lip bumper becomes dented or damaged, visit an orthodontist as soon as possible. The bumper may need to be adjusted or replaced to prevent any further damage.


Lip and cheek bumpers are typically worn for several months to a few years, depending on the severity of the teeth misalignment. They can help achieve improved tooth alignment and a more even bite, which can improve overall oral health and appearance.

However, the effectiveness of the bumpers also depends on the patient’s commitment to wearing them as directed and maintaining good oral hygiene.

Are you interested in learning about orthodontic treatments? Contact Woodlawn Orthodontics today!

Is it Too Late to Correct My Smile?

There are many reasons why smile correction was a second thought. Maybe families couldn’t include straight teeth solutions as part of their budget when they were kids. Perhaps their teeth didn’t begin to shift until they grew up. Either way, many people are now considering adult orthodontic treatment options to correct their smiles. Fixing your teeth can improve your aesthetic appeal as well as your overall physical health. So yes, there is always time to correct and restore your smile!

Let’s talk about orthodontic options

When it comes to adult orthodontic treatment options, Invisalign and ceramic braces are the most popular. Let’s look at them closely to identify which one is right for you.

Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth

Invisalign treatment uses custom-made braces that straighten your teeth over time. The clear braces or aligners cover your teeth and slowly but steadily pull them into the proper position. These aligners can be removed whenever you wish, and they have no metal wire or brackets either, making them less noticeable compared to traditional metal braces.

Invisalign is among the best straight teeth solutions for those with misaligned teeth. It is also ideal for those with improper bites, which not affect your appearance but also causes jaw discomfort. In addition, since Invisalign aligners are clear, you can smile freely even when undergoing treatment, with nothing in your teeth to hinder your smile.

One of the main reasons Invisalign is preferred among adults is the shorter treatment time compared to regular braces. It only takes a few months for Invisalign treatment to align your teeth perfectly and bring out a naturally beautiful smile.

Ceramic braces to correct your smile

Ceramic braces are the other popular adult orthodontic treatment options. They come in shades that match the colour of your teeth and are far less noticeable compared to traditional braces. These braces do, however, consist of arch-wire and brackets and work similarly to traditional metal braces.

If you are considering straight teeth solutions, ceramic braces are less expensive compared to Invisalign treatment. However, fixing your teeth and correcting your smile takes between 12 and 36 months with this orthodontic treatment option. You will also have to maintain orthodontic visits at regular intervals of time to tighten the wire. On the bright side, ceramic braces are more durable, stain-resistant, and less irritating than traditional metal braces.

How to prepare

When preparing for adult orthodontic treatment, it is essential to consult with a reputed orthodontist and ask any questions you may have about straight teeth solutions. You must be prepared for some challenges over the course of the treatment. Sometimes, orthodontic treatments take longer than expected, so it is also best to keep that in mind. Each orthodontic case is different and depends on individual goals and oral health.

Before starting the treatment, it is advised that you start with a dental cleaning. Pay close attention to your oral care and hygiene during and after treatment. You may even have to wear a retainer to maintain your smile, but preparing in advance will eventually give you something to smile about.


Our teeth shift as we age, but there’s always something we can do about it. Adult orthodontic treatments will correct your teeth and make you smile confidently, no matter how old you are. Schedule your start date when you are ready to undertake your smile journey. For more information, contact Woodlawn Orthodontics today!